Title: Silks in the wind

  • Limited Edition of 10

  • Print on White Palboard 5mm (Black edge)

  • 120 W x 60 H  x 0.5 D cm

  • Ships in a box

  • € 1.044 

  • (Shipping included)


In 2021 I started a personal project called The Art of Living, focused on artists and artisans and their creative processes in Formentera, Balearic Islands. Simona Colzi, the textile artist, uses these silky fabrics dancing in the wind as a starting point in her dyeing process to create her silk, dresses and kimonos based on natural elements and botanical impregnation.

Title: Guitars

  • Limited Edition of 10

  • Print on White Palboard 5mm (Black edge)

  • 80 W x 60 H x 0.5 D cm

  • Ships in a box

  • € 945

  • (Shipping included)


At the end of 2020, I started a project called The Art of Living, focusing on artists and artisans from Formentera, a little island in the Mediterranean sea. Ekki Hoffmann is a musician and the owner of this handmade electric guitar workshop called Formentera-Guitars. He sells electric guitars on request and gives 3 weeks long workshops where you and make your own electric guitar. I was photographing all the processes during one of these workshops and this is one photo of those shootings.